Shiatsu Body Based Therapy

Shiatsu is a Japanese physical therapy that uses acupressure and passive movement on the body.

Practitioners are trained in both an oriental diagnosis of symptoms and an understanding of anatomy and physiology. Shiatsu is very nourishing and supportive to receive whether you are well or unwell and is delivered as a complement to your usual medical and self-care. It aims to enable the body to release tension by means of the application of pressure, stretches and the rotation of the joints along energy pathways known as meridians.

Treatments are adjusted according to each client's needs and whether the outcome aimed for is being attained.

What happens in a session?

When you book, I ask you to wear loose comfortable clothing and the treatment is done through clothing. Once you have filled in some basic details about yourself, I invite you to remove your shoes and lay comfortably either on a futon or a treatment couch. You may talk through a session but it is most beneficial if you are able to relax and pay attention to your own system's response to the treatment. I will begin treating in a number of ways, all of which will entail hands on contact and a connection with your system and body energy or Ki (Japanese for body energy). This guides me how to work, where to work and with what degree of pressure. Throughout I check your comfort and am happy for you to request adjustment to pressure. I take great care in how I work and place your safety and dignity uppermost throughout treatments.

Central Channel Release Work is a way of working where I do extremely gentle work, usually on the back, back of the head, sacrum and feet. These adjustments do require some feedback through the session and I would explain that clearly at the beginning.

At the end of the session, I may make recommendations such as gentle exercise or some dietary advice according to oriental theory.

How many sessions will I need?

Many people find that just one session can offer enduring benefits. The general rule of thumb is, the longer a problem has gone on for, the more likely your system will need more than one or two sessions. My aim is to "work myself out of a job" so you do not need me for longer than necessary. In practice, what appears to be the case is that a few consecutive sessions have a cumulative effect after which, less regular treatments bring back the relaxation of the consecutive treatments. 

What are the benefits of Shiatsu?

There are many ideas on how Shiatsu works. There are many theories and what makes a good practitioner also. Good research is an excellent way of finding out if, how and for whom Shiatsu works and I have been fortunate to be involved with a large "cohort" study of Shiatsu across Europe. From the results of this study, Shiatsu was found to be a safe therapy in qualified hands and to offer benefits for a number of conditions including: 

  • tension and stress
  • structural problems

Both areas are the most common reasons people seek and benefit from treatments with me. Contact me to find out more.

Working with me

A long-standing client described her sessions with me as follows:

"I have been having regular Shiatsu sessions for five years now. I have Motor Neurone Disease which has left my body virtually paralysed from the neck down. The combination of gentle movements,pressure point work and the overall relaxation offered by the sessions means that they have become an invaluable part of my life. Lisa’s physiological and intuitive knowledge of my body has meant that each session can be tailored to my current needs. If you are thinking of trying a Shiatsu session, whether it be for emotional or physical reasons i would urge you to give it a go."
