Treating the ear to help the whole body
This treatment is derived from acupuncture and is performed using needles on the ear or seeds in place of needles. The careful insertion of needles or placement of seeds is guided by acupuncture's understanding of the body. The ear provides a map to other areas of the body.
The NADA protocol involves needling five of the many points on the ears. Alternatively, seeds, in the form of tiny steel balls that look like seeds, are gently attached to the same points.
Acupuncture is a well-accepted and well-known form of therapy involving insertion of fine needles in specific locations around the body to restore and support health. NADA takes a few (five) points and works with those five only. These points were first used in a US hospital, the Lincoln Memorial because they were helpful in supporting patients reduce and detox from drugs and alcohol. The needling protocol was called the NADA protocol for short.
NADA Protocol
It was discovered that treating some or up to all five of these points in both ears was helpful as part of overall healthcare to support:
What does it involve?
My treatments follow the NADA protocol. Sessions can either be accessed privately, or, more cheaply in a group session of up to six people sitting together in silence.
A session of NADA
Protocol treatment with needles involves completion of a health questionnaire to ensure you are appropriately supported. The therapist then explains what will happen before inserting up to five needles in each ear but may involve fewer needles depending on how you feel as the needles are placed. Once your needles are inserted, you are invited to sit without talking and allow the needling to take effect. You will likely feel quite calm and relaxed.
I advise clients to see how they feel after one session before booking a block of sessions. I offer the block for those who wish to manage their well-being and self-care with this simple, yet powerful treatment.
A session with seeds runs the same as with needles but instead of placement of needles, small steel balls plated with gold are stuck to the points and left in the ears for up to three weeks. Some people choose the seeds because they do not like needles or/and they wish to have the ongoing contact with the points the seeds provide. The seeds are thought to have the same effect as the needles.
Women’s health
Headaches & migraines
PMT, PMS & menstrual problems
Back pain
Stress & tension
High blood pressure
Insomnia & sleep disorders
Insomnia & sleep disorders
Hay fever & other allergies
Hormonal imbalances
How many treatments will I need?
Everyone is different and the response to either the needles or the seeks can be immediate or sometimes take longer than one appointment, but often benefits can be seen after 4-5 sessions. .
What happens in a treatment?
Does needling hurt?